visual sensation

英 [ˈvɪʒuəl senˈseɪʃn] 美 [ˈvɪʒuəl senˈseɪʃn]

网络  视觉; 黑字



  1. It'll cause quite a visual sensation.
  2. The runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision; he had a visual sensation of intense light.
  3. Each element provides a different visual sensation that resonates as a harmonic within the symphony Yip conducts.
  4. Attribute of visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light.
  5. Physical sensation is a complicated and integrated dynamic system, while the visual sensation is a special medium of the operation of this system.
  6. The visual field defect was chiefly of central or pericentral scotoma; and the color sensation was severely affected.
  7. The swimming pool of the hotel enjoys a stunning view of the sea, providing a visual sensation while working out.
  8. ( physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation.
  9. Can we define visual beauty at something which arouses pleasant sensation in the viewer?
  10. The Visual Sensation of Building Image Vision
  11. Results ① Compared with DSA image, virtual cerebral arteries possessed similarity in appearance, and had a benefit for better understanding the vascular three-dimensional spatial relationship in visual sensation.
  12. Movement and Stillness in Visual Sensation of Painting
  13. Unlike protein products under low moisture, proteins extruded under high moisture conditions can have well defined fiber formations, resemble chicken or turkey breast meat, and therefore have enhanced visual appearance and taste sensation.
  14. On the Synthetical Sensation Ability of Music Discussion on visual sensation of building image
  15. Discussion on visual sensation of building image
  16. Pain: visual analogue scale ( VAS) was adopted, in which, "no any pain sensation" was 0 score, "unable to bear pain with imagination" was 10 scores. Pain score was recorded during quiet and movement stages.
  17. Image design should not only communicate directly and accurately the information, stimulate visual sensation, but also take into account the understanding of the audience, so as to realize the psychological interaction and communication, and ultimately reach a stage of emotion exchange.
  18. The function of strengthening advertisement visual transmission in particular, which is in color emotion, gestalten, word image design and sensation design is focused on.
  19. Visual information plays an important role in the process of sensation world by human.
  20. The results are as follows: ( 1) The way of taking information and processing style of information is changed because of the defect in visual sensation. The defect of sense organ and the compensate function are simultaneously exist in visually handicapped group.
  21. As for the user viewing experience, ZON have a good evaluation on dynamic image. And the learners of different national backgrounds also have different visual sensation.
  22. Stereo image can record the real information of the world and provide more natural visual sensation than the traditional plane image, so it has more bright applicable future.



  1. the perceptual experience of seeing
    1. the runners emerged from the trees into his clear vision
    2. he had a visual sensation of intense light

    Synonym:    vision